Phenotype and Genotype Expression with the GDF9 Gene in the Sapudi and Garut Sheeps
Nikhmatul Hairoh1), Mudawamah Mudawamah*1), Sumartono1)
1) Program Studi Magister Peternakan Universitas Islam Malang, Dinoyo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65144
Corresponding author:
Submitted 23 Agustus 2023, Accepted 19 Desember 2023
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ekspresi fenotipe dan genetipe pada domba Sapudi dan Garut, serta perbedaan antara ekspresi gen GDF9 dengan sifat fenotipe pada domba Sapudi dan Garut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Materi yang digunakan adalah 48 ekor domba pejantan yang dipeliharan di UPT Pembibitan ternak dan HMT di Jember dan Peternakan Anak Seribu Pulau Farm Kangploso Malang. Sedangkan untuk pengamatan ekspresi gen GDF9 ekson 1 dengan analisa Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) menggunakan primer gen GDF9 dengan sampel sebanyak 8 ekor. Analisa data menggunakan analisa uji–t tidak berpasangan dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT. Pengamatan sifat fenotipe meliputi panjang badan (PB), lingkar dada (LD) dan tinggi badan (TB). Sifat genotipe yang diamati adalah ekspresi gen GDF9. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik sifat fenotipe domba Sapudi dan Garut terdapat perbedaan sangat nyata (P<0,01). Berdasarkan penelitian terdapat perbedaan ekspresi sifat fenotipe domba Sapudi dan Garut pada panjang badan (Sapudi 63,21a±3,39; Garut77,71b±5,66) cm, lingkar dada domba (Sapudi 76,15a±3,81; Garut 83,00b±8,75) cm dan tinggi badan (Sapudi 64,96a±3,97; Garut 73,50b±5,60) cm. Terdapat perbedaan sangat nyata (P<0,01) sifat genotipe dari hasil qPCR gen GDF9 antara bangsa domba yaitu domba Sapudi 31,66±5,61 dan Garut 23,70±2,40.
Kata Kunci : GDF9; ukuran tubuh; Domba
This study aims to determine the expression of phenotypes and genotypes in Sapudi and Garut sheep, as well as differences between GDF9 exon 1 gene expression and phenotypic traits in Sapudi and Garut sheep. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive method. The material used was 48 rams kept at UPT Breeding Cattle and Forages in Jember and Seribu Pulau Children’s Farm, Kangploso Farm, Malang. As for the observation of GDF9 gene expression by qPCR analysis using GDF9 gene primers with a sample of 8 tails. Data analysis used unpaired t-test analysis and continued with the BNT test. Observation of phenotypic traits included body length (PB), chest circumference (LD), and body height (TB). The genotype observed was GDF9 gene expression. The results showed very significant differences in the phenotypic characteristics of the Sapudi and Garut sheep (P<0.01). Based on the study, there were differences in the expression of the phenotypic traits of Sapudi and Garut sheep on body length (Sapudi 63.21a ± 3.39; Garut 77.71b ± 5.66) cm, chest circumference (Sapudi 76.15a ± 3.81; Garut 83, 00b ± 8.75) cm and height (Sapudi 64.96a ± 3.97; Garut 73.50b ± 5.60) cm. There was a very significant difference (P<0.01) in genotypic traits from the qPCR results of the GDF9 gene between sheep breeds, namely Sapudi sheep 31.66 ± 5.61 and Garut sheep 23.70 ± 2.40.
Keywords: GDF9; body size; beef lamb; qPCR.
Arnes Anggita1, Mudawamah2*, & Sumartono3
1,2,&3Program Studi Magister Peternakan, Fakultas Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam
Malang, Jalan Mayjen Haryono Nomor 193, Malang, Jawa Timur 65144,
Submit: 19–09–2023; Revised: 13–10–2023; Accepted: 06–11–2023; Published: 30–12–2023
ABSTRAK: Indonesia memiliki beberapa jenis domba lokal, di antaranya domba Sapudi. Dalam peningkatan produksi dan populasi domba, perlu diperhatikan sistem reproduksi. Metabolisme dan fisiologi domba bunting akan mengalami perubahan yang menyebabkan komponen darah jugaberubah. Sampel penelitian, yaitu 20 ekor induk domba Sapudi yang berasal dari UPT. Pembibitan Ternak dan Hijauan Makanan Ternak Jember. Induk domba dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok sesuai fase reproduksinya, yaitu induk tidak bunting, kebuntingan awal, pertengahan bunting, kebuntingan akhir, dan induk laktasi. Variabel penelitian adalah komponen darah yang meliputi eritrosit, leukosit, hemoglobin, dan hematokrit. Metode penelitian, yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif yang
dianalisa menggunakan ragam satu arah, dan jika berbeda nyata dilanjutkan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p<0,05) pada hemoglobin, sedangkan pada eritrosit, leukosit, dan hematokrit tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p>0,05). Rataan nilai hemoglobin pada kelima fase reproduksi, yaitu antara 7,65–10,50 g/dL, eritrosit 5,78–6,95 106/mm3, leukosit 8,05–13,71 106/μL, dan hematokrit 24,35–29,70%.
Kata Kunci: Eritrosit, Leukosit, Hemoglobin, Hematokrit, Domba Sapudi.
ABSTRACT: Indonesia has several types of local sheep, including Sapudi sheep. In increasing sheep production and population, it is necessary to pay attention to the reproductive system. The metabolism and physiology of pregnant sheep will experience changes which cause blood components to also change. The research sample was 20 Sapudi ewes from UPT. Livestock Breeding and Forage in Jember. Mother sheep were divided into 5 groups according to their reproductive phase, namely non–pregnant mothers, early pregnancy, mid–pregnancy, late pregnancy, and lactating mothers. The research variables are blood components which include erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit. The research method is quantitative descriptive which is analyzed using one–way variance, and if it is significantly different, the Duncan test is continued. The results of this study showed significant differences (p<0.05) in hemoglobin, while there were no significant differences in erythrocytes, leukocytes and hematocrit (p>0.05). The average hemoglobin value in the five reproductive phases is between 7.65–10.50 g/dL, erythrocytes 5.78–6.95 106/mm3, leukocytes 8.05–13.71 106/μL, and hematocrit 24.35 –29.70%.
Keywords: Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, Haemoglobin, Hematocrit, Sapudi Sheep.
How to Cite: Anggita, A., Mudawamah., & Sumartono. (2023). Analisis Komponen Darah dari Berbagai Fase Reproduksi Induk Domba (Ovis aries) Sapudi. Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi,
11(2), 1311–1319.
Mudawamah 1*, Didik Roihuddin2, Nurul Humaidah2, Zulchaidi2, Sumartono2, and GatotCiptadi3
1Postgraduate of Animal Husbandry, University of Islam Malang, Indonesia 2Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Islam Malang, Indonesia 3Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University Malang, Indonesia
*Corresponding email:
The purpose of this study was to describe the phenotypic profile of body weight at one year of male and female came from fraternal twins in Indonesian Local Ettawah Goat (ILEG) or PE Goat. This research method was a case study with data retrieval using purposive sampling with the criteria of male and female fraternal twins. The variables observed were the average and variance of body weight in fraternal twin goats at one year. Data analysed descriptive and unpaired t-test with excel program. The results showed that male goats’ body weight at one year of age was significantly (P < 0.01) higher than that of female goats at fraternal twins. At one year of age, the body weight variance in male goats was higher than that of female goats at fraternal twins. The conclusion was that the phenotype profile of male ILEG goats was more varied, seen from the average and diversity of body weight, which was 15.37% and 52.24% higher than females. This research implies that feeding male goats should be based on body weight, not on age, to increase their potential optimally.
Keyword: PE Goat, twin, variance, body weight
Estimation of Repeatability and Most Probable Producing Ability (MPPA) of Sapudi Sheep Based on Daily Body Weight Gain of Lambs from Birth to Pre-weaning and Weaning
Mudawamah, M. Z. Anwar, and Sumartono
Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Islam Malang
Corresponding Author :
This research aimed to estimate the repeatability and MPPA values of Sapudi ewes based on the lamb’s daily gain from birth to pre-weaning and weaning. Using recorded data in a pedigree of lamb, 53 data with half-sib relationship came from 14 ewes which included the record of body weight gain of Sapudi lambs from birth to pre-weaning and weaning. The data were analyzed by descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The study showed that the average daily gain of pre-weaning and weaning was 007 kg/day. The repeatability value of pre-weaning and weaning daily gain was 0.636 in the high category and 0.377 in the medium category. The MPPA daily gain values for pre-weaning and weaning ranged from -0.032 to 0.018 and -0.016 to 0.009. The research concluded that the Sapudi sheep ewes based on the MPPA daily gain pre-weaning were six heads with four rankings, while the daily weight gain weaning was ten heads with ranking of five. The highest rank of Sapudi ewes in pre-weaning and weaning daily gain was ear tag 094 with MPPA values of 0.018 and 0.009. It is recommended that further research can be conducted to estimate the repeatability value of quantitative periodically as the basis for the selection and culling of livestock.
Keywords: Ewe, local sheep, repeatability, selection.
Fakultas Peternakan UNISMA Goes to Jember
Puji syukur Alhamdulillah penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT atas karuniaNya sehingga diklat petunjuk praktikum ini dapat terselesaikan.
Buku petunjuk praktikum ini disusun dalam rangka memberi penuntun kerja bagi mahasiswa yang menjalankan praktikum genetika dan cara kerjanya berdasarkan kelengkapan peralatan yang ada di Laboratorium Terapan Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Islam Malang dan Preparat yang umum dihadapi di bidang Peternakan.
Tiada gading yang tak retak, semoga buku petunjuk praktikum ini bermanfaat bagi Mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Islam Malang
BUKU Deepening of Formulas and Theory Ilmu Pemuliaan Ternak
Puji syukur Alhamdulillah penulis panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT atas karuniaNya
sehingga buku Deepening of Formulas and Theory Ilmu Pemuliaan Ternak ini dapat
Buku ini disusun dalam rangka memberi penuntun pendalaman beberapa rumus dan teori
Ilmu Pemuliaan Ternak dalam impelementasi di lapangan bagi mahasiswa yang menempuh mata
kuliah Ilmu Pemuliaan Ternak sehingga diharapkan mampu memberikan experience yang lebih
mendalam yang terekam secara baik dan mudah dalam mengimplementasikan kembali di
lapangan untuk menghasilkan karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan di jurnal ilmiah sebagai wujud
outcome matakuliah ini.
Tiada gading yang tak retak, semoga buku Deepening of Formulas and Theory Ilmu
Pemuliaan Ternak ini bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Islam Malang
Mudawamah Mudawamah1, Y. Hartoyo1, Sumartono1and G. Ciptadi3
1Post Graduate of Animal Husbandry, University of Islam Malang, Indonesia
2Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Islam Malang, Indonesia
3Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to compare the productivity of Fat-Tailed Sheep in single and twin lambing. The research method was a field study based on data recording of ewes that gave lambing three times or more. The variables observed were livestock productivity seen from the interval between giving birth and the reproduction rate of livestock. Data analysis used unpaired t-test with excel program. The results showed that twins had a very significantly higher reproductive rate (P < 0.01) and no significant difference between lambing intervals (P > 0.05) compared to single lambing ewes. This study concluded that the productivity of Fat-Tailed sheep was 88.19 % higher ewes of twin lambing than that of single lambing ewes. One of the criteria for choosing a ewe is the potential for twin lambing.
Keywords: Reproductive Rate, Calving Interval, Local Sheep.
Mudawamah Mudawamah1*, Villa Vavilla2, Dedi Suryanto3 and Mohammad Zainul Fadli4
1University of Islam Malang, Department of Animal Husbandry,Jalan MT. Haryono 193, Malang 65151, Indonesia
2University of Islam Malang, Department of Animal Husbandry,Jalan MT. Haryono 193, Malang 65151, Indonesia
3University of Islam Malang, Department of Animal Husbandry,Jalan MT. Haryono 193, Malang 65151, Indonesia
4University of Islam Malang, Department of Medical,Jalan MT. Haryono 193, Malang 65151, Indonesia
The study aimed to determine the hip size of Indonesian Local Ettawah Goats (Peranakan Ettawah or PE) from various parity as a selection criterion for candidate goats that could be kidding without dystocia. This research method was a case study with purposive sampling that chose healthy reproductive goats marked by normal category relation with the duration of pregnancy, the age of first pregnancy, and the kidding process. Variable observed was hip length and width, and data analysis used descriptive analysis through mean and variance as well as one-way variance analysis. Hip measurement of Indonesian Local Ettawah Goats from 1st to fifth parity showed the average hip-length ranged from 82-85.67 cm and hip height varied between 19.60-21.33 cm. The variance analysis showed that the types of parity had a very significant difference (P < 0.01) on the height hips but had significant difference (P < 0.05) on the width-hips, with the variance of hip height and width, ranged 0.33-5.90 and 0.33-1.00. Hip height and width increased as high parity (1st until 3rd), while 4th and 5th parity were relatively constant in hip size. Determination coefficients between parity and hip height and width were 35,00 % and 36,30 %. This study concluded that the variance of hip width was smaller (more consistent) than the hip height of Indonesian Local Ettawah Goats. One of the basic selection criteria for Indonesian Local Ettawah doe candidates was hip-width with 19,60 cm or more.
Keywords: Hip Length And Width, Goat, Parity.