Arnes Anggita1, Mudawamah2*, & Sumartono3
&3Program Studi Magister Peternakan, Fakultas Pascasarjana, Universitas Islam
Jalan Mayjen Haryono Nomor 193, Malang, Jawa Timur 65144,


Submit: 19092023; Revised: 13102023; Accepted: 06112023; Published: 30122023

ABSTRAK: Indonesia memiliki beberapa jenis domba lokal, di antaranya domba Sapudi. Dalam peningkatan produksi dan populasi domba, perlu diperhatikan sistem reproduksi. Metabolisme dan fisiologi domba bunting akan mengalami perubahan yang menyebabkan komponen darah jugaberubah. Sampel penelitian, yaitu 20 ekor induk domba Sapudi yang berasal dari UPT. Pembibitan Ternak dan Hijauan Makanan Ternak Jember. Induk domba dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok sesuai fase reproduksinya, yaitu induk tidak bunting, kebuntingan awal, pertengahan bunting, kebuntingan akhir, dan induk laktasi. Variabel penelitian adalah komponen darah yang meliputi eritrosit, leukosit, hemoglobin, dan hematokrit. Metode penelitian, yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif yang
dianalisa menggunakan ragam satu arah
, dan jika berbeda nyata dilanjutkan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p<0,05) pada hemoglobin, sedangkan pada eritrosit, leukosit, dan hematokrit tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan (p>0,05). Rataan nilai hemoglobin pada kelima fase reproduksi, yaitu antara 7,6510,50 g/dL, eritrosit 5,786,95 106/mm3, leukosit 8,0513,71 106/μL, dan hematokrit 24,3529,70%.

Kata Kunci: Eritrosit, Leukosit, Hemoglobin, Hematokrit, Domba Sapudi.


ABSTRACT: Indonesia has several types of local sheep, including Sapudi sheep. In increasing sheep production and population, it is necessary to pay attention to the reproductive system. The metabolism and physiology of pregnant sheep will experience changes which cause blood components to also change. The research sample was 20 Sapudi ewes from UPT. Livestock Breeding and Forage in Jember. Mother sheep were divided into 5 groups according to their reproductive phase, namely nonpregnant mothers, early pregnancy, midpregnancy, late pregnancy, and lactating mothers. The research variables are blood components which include erythrocytes, leukocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit. The research method is quantitative descriptive which is analyzed using oneway variance, and if it is significantly different, the Duncan test is continued. The results of this study showed significant differences (p<0.05) in hemoglobin, while there were no significant differences in erythrocytes, leukocytes and hematocrit (p>0.05). The average hemoglobin value in the five reproductive phases is between 7.6510.50 g/dL, erythrocytes 5.786.95 106/mm3, leukocytes 8.0513.71 106/μL, and hematocrit 24.35 29.70%.

Keywords: Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, Haemoglobin, Hematocrit, Sapudi Sheep.

How to Cite: Anggita, A., Mudawamah., & Sumartono. (2023). Analisis Komponen Darah dari Berbagai Fase Reproduksi Induk Domba (Ovis aries) Sapudi. Bioscientist : Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi,
(2), 13111319.
