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Induk Kambing PE Potensi Prolifik Heterosigot
Superiority Of Filial Rabbits Derived From Purebred And Indonesian Localbred Based On Phenotype And Genotype
Mohammad Zainul Fadli1, Mudawamah Mudawamah2*, Irawati Dinasari Retnaningtyas2 , Gatot Ciptadi3 and Oktavia Rahayu Puspitarini2
1 Depart. of Animal Husbandry, University of Islam Malang
2 Depart. of Medical, University of Islam Malang
3 Depart. of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University
Correspondent author:
In Indonesia, rabbits have developed as small-scale businesses in tourist areas in the form of ornamental rabbits or meat rabbits. The rabbits are kept various kinds of purebred or crossbreeding between purebred and local Indonesian rabbits. The purpose of this study was to observe the genotype F1 crossbreed through the molecular analysis of various rabbit breeds that had been carried out by rabbit breeders as genotype diversity. This research method was a case study and experiment using various rabbits that many farmers raised. The purebred of rabbits used include Rex, Satin, Lion, Flemish Giant, New Zealand White, local Indonesian rabbits. The rabbit crossed include Rex with Satin, Lion with Indonesian Local-bred, Flemish Giant with Local. The Phenotype analysis for F1 derived from purebred and Local-bred under the same management. Molecular analysis was carried out using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RLPF) with GH
primers with HaeIII restriction enzymes. Descriptive analyzed was used for describing research data. The results showed that all samples carried out PCR with GH5 were amplified at 289 bp. PCR results showed that almost all local rabbits were AB-type (85% of the total sample) while all rabbits were purebred and F1 crossbreed with Local-bred had BB type, and phenotype superiority F1 to the dam was 18.51-7.41 %. The conclusion from this study was the F1 derived from purebreds, and Local-bred had a superiority genotype and phenotype compared to the dams (Local-bred).
Keywords: Rabbit, GH, HaeIII, PCR-RFLP, crossbreeding
Repeated G-nucleotides from DNA Sequences from RAPD Results in Indonesian Local Etawah Goats Derived from Natural Service and Artificial Insemination
Mudawamah Mudawamah 1, a) , Muhammad Zainul Fadli 2, , Gatot Ciptadi 3 , Usman
Ali 1 and Gusfarisa Rafika Putri 1
1 Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Islamic University of Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
2 Department of Medical, Faculty of Medical, Islamic University of Malang, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
3 Deapartment of Animal production, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
a) Corresponding author:
Abstract. Indonesian local Etawah goats (ILEG) are a livestock that has adapted to the environment and management of community farms in Indonesia, with systems of natural service (NS) and artificial insemination (AI). The livestock potential needs to be studied molecularly as a source of information on genetic diversity. The purpose of this study was to determine the repeated of guanine nucleotides (GG, GGG, GGGG, GGGGG and GGGGGG) from DNA sequenced with RAPD results in two ILEG populations of NS and AI. The method used was an experiment with sequencing analysis based on RAPD results with the marker OPA-19 with five replications. The sequencing results were descriptive analysis using SPSS V. 23 with unpaired t-test on the two ILEG populations. The results showed that the ILEG from NS had a very significantly higher number of repeated G-nucleotides (P < 0.01) than ILEG from AI. While the data of repeated
GGG, GGGG, GGGGG and GGGGGG were not used for unpaired t-tested because it did not pass normality test. Descriptively repeated GGG, GGGG, GGGGG and GGGGG on ILEG from NS results were higher than AI. Particularly in repeated G-nucleotides (GGGG, GGGGG and GGGGGG), in ILEG from NS results were still found to be 100% in all sequencing samples, but in ILEG from AI results showed decreased percentages of 60%, 40% and 0%. The conclusion of this study was that repeated G-nucleotides in ILEG from NS are more common than in ILEG from AI.
Keywords: ILEG, RAPD, sequencing
Individual mutations in Indonesian local ettawah goats based on the GDF9 gene
M Mudawamah 1* , I D Ratnaningtyas 1 , M Z Fadli 2 and G Ciptadi 3
1 Animal Science Department, University of Islam Malang, MT Haryono 193 Malang,
2 Medicine Department, University of Islam Malang, MT Haryono 193 Malang, Indonesia
3 Animal Science Faculty, University of Brawijaya, Veteran Malang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author:
Abstract. A prolific trait was essential to determine the litter size in goats including Indonesian Local Ettawah Goats (ILEG), and one of the genes that influence the prolific trait was the GDF9 gene. The purpose of this study was to describe the amino acid expression of the GDF9 gene sequencing in ILEG compared with Genbank accession number GU784823.2. Capra hircus GDF9. This research method was an experiment which includes the sampling of 21 does who had given birth more than once with low, medium and high prolific categories. Furthermore, samples were PCR with exon 1 GDF9 gene, and sequencing results were carried out by amino acid alignment with BioEdit software. The results showed that there were 3 variants in the exon 1 GDF9 gene in ILEG which was located at the location of 27, 61 and 85 amino acid residues. At the 27th residue there was a change in the proline amino acid to alanine (CCT to GCT), at the 61st residue there was no change in the amino acid Leucine, but there was a change in the base N compound (CTA to CTC), and at 85 residues there was a change in acid residue amino Alanine becomes Glycine (GCT to GGT).
Armada1, Mudawamah2, Oktavia Rahayu Puspitarini2
1 Program S1 Peternakan, 2 Dosen Peternakan Universitas Islam Malang
Email :
Penelitian dilaksanakan dari tanggal 09 sampai 29 Desember 2017. Lokasi penelitian
bertempat di pasar burung Splendid Jl. Brawijaya no. 6, Klojen, Kauman, Kota Malang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perbandingan warna bulu pada nukleotida gen tyrosinase (TYR). Materi yang digunakan adalah 15 burung kenari dan 15 burung merpati (polos ,mosaic, putih). Metode penelitian ini menggunakan (1) survei di pasar burung Splendid Malang untuk data ukuran tubuh kenari dan merpati (2) studi literatur untuk data nukleotida National Center for Biotehnologi Information (NCBI), data nukleotida burung kenari dari hasil penelitian Mudawamah et al. ( 2014). Variabel yang diamati panjang shank, lingkar dada, panjang tubuh berbagai warna bulu serta perbandingan nukleotida gen TYR kenari dan merpati. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis statistik menggunakan uji t tidak berpasangan untuk ukuran tubuh, perbandingan nukleotida secara deskriptif dengan software Basic Lokal Alignmant Search Tool (BLAST) NCBI. Hasil analisis uji t tidak berpasangan menunjukkan perbedan yang sangat nyata (P˂0,01) hanya pada sifat panjang shank mosaic dan lingkar dada putih burung kenari dan merpati. Panjang shank kenari mosaic 2,65 cm dan merpati 4,32 cm, sedangkan ukuran lingkar dada kenari putih 3,84 cm dan merpati 10,93 cm. Jumlah nukleotida pada gen TYR kenari dan merpati 100% sama dengan panjang basa 1995. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah burung kenari memiliki kisaran rataan ukuran tubuh lebih kecil dibandingkan kisaran rataan ukuran tubuh burung merpati. Nukleotida dari gen TYR pada kenari dan merpati sama yaitu jumlah basa adenin (A)= 547, timin (T) = 512, citosin (C) = 475, guanin (G)= 460 dan N (A atau G atau C atau T) =1.
Kata kunci : Ukurun tubuh, gen TYR, Kenari, Merpati
Phenotypic Similarity of Local Ettawah Crossbred Goat in Different Breeding Locations
Mudawamah 1 , I.D. Retnaningtyas 1 , V.M.A. Nurgiartiningsih 2 and C.D.K. Bottema 3
1 Faculty of Animal Science, Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia, 2 Faculty of Animal Science, Brawijaya University of Malang, Indonesia, 3 Faculty of Veterinary, University of Adelaide, Australia
Corresponding email:
Goat genetic resources in East Java Indonesia are diverse based on genotype and phenotype. It is probably due to crossing among existing breeds existing in this province. This situation cause a problem in the identification of the goat breeds. The objective of this study was to characterize phenotype of PE goat and to analyze their similarity within populations in the different locations. Data of 472 does were analyzed using NTSYS pc version 2.0 software. Dendogram illustrated phenotypic similarity for qualitative traits within fourteen populations in the different of goat breeding areas. The observed qualitative traits were shape of the back, head, face, forehead, horns, ears, and teats. Beside that this study also observed teat and extra teat number, hair color of face, body, legs and tail. The presence and absence of qualitative traits was recorded as “1” and “0”, respectively. The binary coded characters (1, 0) were used for phenotypic similarity analysis. The results indicated that phenotypic similarity among
individuals of PE goat populations were varied and ranged between 0.50-0.84 with an
average of 0.68 + 0.11. It was concluded that phenotypic similarity of PE goats in different breeding locations of East Java was categorized as medium.
Key Words: Goat, Phenotypic similarity, Qualitative, Dendogram
The Karyotiping of Indonesian Local Cattle and Buffalo for Genetic Quality Standarization by Detection of Chromosome Abberration
G. Ciptadi 1 , M. Nur Ihsan 1 , A. Nurgiartiningsih 1 and Mudawamah 2
1 Faculty of Animal Husbandry Brawijaya University, 2 Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unisma, Malang, Indonesia
Corresponding email:
Chromosomal analysis of breeding bull should be performed, because of the importantce of chromosome abnormalities and their negative effect on production and reproduction performance. Chromosomal abnormalities are usually considered to be a plague and are to eliminate. Chromosomal abberation of candidate bull can be identified and culled from breeding program. It is neccessary that bull for straw production for Artificial Insemination (AI) purpose must be screened out for any possible chromosomal abnormality. The cytogenetic control is an important selective measure choice of genetically health breeding bulls.The chromosome analysis to be important to execute. Method performed by collecting blood samples from 3 local cattle breedsand 3 swamp buffalo with diferent phenotypic character of skin colors. Sample of 0.5 ml of blood/animal was added to 5 ml chromosomal medium (Karyo Max, Gibco), placed in incubator at 38 o C. After 70 hours, culture tube were added to 1 ml colchicines kept for 2-3 hours, then were centrifuge at 1000 RPM for 10 minute and supernatant was discarded, pellet cells added then by fixative solution. Slides were prepared by stained with Giemsa for 10 minute, were examined under high power phase-contrast microscope. Chromosomal analysis was performed with help of cytovision software image analysis.Results showed that the 2 N diploid number of chromosome of all three local cattle breed was considered normal was 60, there were 58 autosome and 2 sex chromosome in all breeds cattle observed. Meanhile, buffalo observed for diploid number chromosome 2N= 48, considered as normal swamp buffalo. It was observed that both cattle and buffalo tested were normal categories. The karyotype of all animals showed that the chromosomes of one cell and different individual each breed varied in size, shape and position of centromere. However, it was recommended to performed chromosomal investigation of breeding bulls and others Indonesian local breed using advanced sophisticated tools of image analysis technique especially for semen production and AI application.
Key Words: Local cattle, Buffalo, Karyotiping, Chromosome, Abnormalities
Genetic Variation of Local Ettawah Crossbreed Goats in Two Different Breedings
Mudawamah 1 , I.Dinasari Ratnaningtyas 1 . M. Zainul Fadli 2 , Aulanni’am 3 and G. Ciptadi 4
1 Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Islam Malang, Indonesia
2 Faculty of Medicine, Islamic University of Malang, Indonesia
2 Faculty of MIPA-Chemistry, Brawijaya University, Indonesia
3 Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Brawijaya University of Malang, Indonesia
1 Corresponding author :
Goat breeding systems in Indonesia have two models with farmer-owned bucks or
government selected bucks in the form of frozen semen. An interesting problem was how the genetic variation of the different goat populations. The purpose of this study was to determine the profile of genetic variation through DNA fragments that appear in gel electrophoresis. Blood samples from each group collected through field studies, followed by analysis of DNA with RAPD. The Primers used in this analysis contained various series primer OPP (OPP series not more 10 and OPP series more 10), and the amplification primers were a recommendation. Each fragment appears from the results of amplification were given a score of 1 and a score of 0 for no fragment appear. Data were analyzed by unpaired t-test using SPSS software V.23. The results showed that the fragments varied from 200 bp to 3000 bp. The DNA fragments used primer OPP which series numbers not more than 10 which significant differences (P <0.05) between two different the goat breeding. There was no difference (P> 0.05) the number of fragments that emerged from the RAPD with OPP which the serial number less than 10 and a combined OPP. The conclusion of this study was the genetic variation of PE population with farmer-owned buck breeding was higher than the government selected buck breeding under RAPD analysis used OPP primer series not more than 10.
Keywords: Local Ettawah Goat, RAPD, OPP