Phenotypic and genetic evaluation of birth weight for F1 crossbred progeny derived from local Indonesian cattle by non-native Bos taurus and Bos indicus sires

Mudawamah1, V.M., Nurgiartiningsih2, A.D. Corebima3, M. Amin3& C.D.K.Bottema4

1Islamic University of Malang, MT Haryono 193, Malang, 65155, Indonesia, 2Brawijaya
University, Veteran, Malang, 65145, Indonesia, 3State University of Malang, Surabaya 6, Malang, 65145, Indonesia, 4The University of Adelaide, Roseworthy, SA 5371, Australia


The aim of this study was to estimate phenotypic and genetic parameters for birth weight using two models of crossbreds. The data included the performance of
131 F1 crossbredbetween Brahman sires by Peranakan Ongole dams and 83 F1 crossbred between Limousin sires by Madura dams. DNA samples were taken for 7 % of the progeny. The data were analyzed using ANOVA with SPSS version 15 for phenotypic evaluation. Genetic evaluation was performed included calculating the variance component and heritability estimatesusing paternal half sib correlations. The similarity index of the DNA was analyzed using restriction length polymorphisms (RFLPs) and MVSP software. The least square means of birth weight was 28.58 + 3.50 kg (Brahman x Peranakan Ongole) and 22.50 + 3.00 kg (Limousin x Madura). The effects of crossbreed, sire and sex on birth weight were significant (P < 0.01). The heritability for birth weight was 0.63 + 0.45 and variance component of sire was 2.14. Superiority of F1 to dam at birth weight was 12.52 % (Brahman x Peranakan Ongole) and 60.71 % (Limousin x Madura). The similarity index of DNA between the Fl progeny with its dam was 97.86 % (Brahman x Peranakan Ongole) and 86.71 % (Limousin x Madura). It was concluded that the birth weight of F1 crossbred Brahman x
Peranakan Ongole progeny was significantly higher thanthe F1 crossbred Limousin x Madura progeny. Heritability of birth weight was considered high. The superiority F1 to dam at birth weight and similarity index with Msp I enzyme restriction of the F1 crossbred Limousin x Madura progeny tended to be higher and lower, respectively, than for Fl crossbred Brahman x Peranakan Ongole progeny.

Keywords: genetic evaluation, birth weight, crossbreeding, cattle.

*Corresponding author: V.M. Mudawamah
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